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Monday, February 28, 2011

DFW Family Expo

On Saturday, we checked out the DFW Family Expo. It was so cool! They had a ton of fun stuff for the kids to do that was included in the admission and so many freebies were given away! Tamara and I stopped by the ERGObaby Carrier booth sporting our ERGOs (Tamara has the Performance) and they gave each of us a free front pouch! Lansinoh was giving away a ton of free samples and they teamed up with mOmma to give out free sippy cups and travel spoons! I got to try out the Piggyback Rider and found that I was too short and Jacob was too tall and heavy for it to work for me carrying him (Chad could have probably managed it), but Tamara tried it and had her 4 year old on her back with her 5 month old in the Ergo on her front and her almost 2 year old in the stroller. Overall, it was an awesome event!

Sunday morning, I woke up to go to work in the church nursery and discovered that my neck was strained. I think it might have something to do with the tremendous effort I had to exert to stand up while Jacob was in the Piggyback Rider. It is still bothering me today, though not as severely as yesterday.

Note to everyone out there - if you are short (5'3") and your child weighs over 50 lbs and is over 3'8", this might not be a good product for you. I think Tamara is 5'8", maybe 5'10", and she LOVED it. I think it would be awesome for use with Joshua when he gets to be old enough to use it, so I might have to remember it when that time comes.

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