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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monthly Photos

So I started this thing with Jacob where I have an image file with a photo for every month. I just updated it with 2 1/2 years worth of photos and I also made one for Joshua. These will automatically update when I add more pictures to it, so check back to this post every once in a while to see the new photos.

Hello Christmas season!

There are carols on the radio, Thanksgiving is over, and people are going crazy in the stores...must be Christmas time! I love Christmas. The snow, the hot cocoa, the beauty of it all. Too bad I live in DFW where we usually just end up with ice on the roads forcing everything to close. I can't wait until we save up enough money to move to Colorado. I have a sister that lives there and another one that is moving up there soon. I can wait to be able to take the boys to sled down a mountain. DFW does have its perks, though. Most of our family is here; my parents, an older sister (but she's moving to CO), my little sister, nearly all of my mom's siblings, a bunch of my cousins, and my maternal grandparents. DH has his dad and step-mom, all of his siblings, and his maternal grandparents. I know it will be difficult to leave our family and all the friends we've made here, but I have a feeling that if/when we move to CO, we'll be back to visit often. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

Monday, November 15, 2010

GIVE. Thanks ;)

This is the time of year where we all reflect on our blessings. A warm bed, a roof over our heads, nutritious food, health, etc. Why not share your blessings with those who need help the most? Even if you are on a super tight budget, for only a few hours of your time, you can donate to those in need. Looking for ways to give back without spending any money? Here are a list of sites where you can search for your local charities:

Find a blood donation location:
Find a breast milk donation location:
Find a food bank to volunteer at:
Find a homeless shelter to volunteer at:

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Share your breastfeeding tips!

Oatmeal is a yummy way to increase supply.

Mommy Necklaces give nursing babies something to focus on so they don't whip their head around as much. *ouch*

If you don't want to spend a bunch of money on nursing tanks for under your clothes, you can use a BeBand that's the same color as your nursing bra and pull it all the way up. You can't tell the difference!

Big T-shirts double as nursing covers in a pinch, just pull the bottom of the shirt over your baby's head. This is a great tip to use with the one above so you aren't showing any skin.

If you have large breasts like I do, try different angles until you get baby to be able to latch without their nose being buried in your breast. This frees a hand so you can eat or type.

No-handed BFing without a Boppy - sit cross-legged with baby's head on one leg and baby's butt in your lap, that way you don't have to use an arm to support baby's head. If you're in a chair, cross your legs like a man (ankle of one leg over the knee of the other) and do the same thing. It might hurt your back a little more, but it helps you be able to get stuff done on the computer.

What tips and tricks do you have?

Monday, November 8, 2010

SAHMs...What do you do all day?


Take Jacob to school
Pump for Jessica
Pick Jacob up from school
Visit SIL in hospital when DH gets off work

Take Jacob to school
Pump for Jessica
Pick Jacob up from school
Jacob to Karate
Jacob to Soccer
Watch Megamind

Take Jacob to school
6 weeks PP appt (get Mirena in)
Pump for Jessica
Try to nap
Pick Jacob up from school

Take Jacob to school
Pump for Jessica
Mall walk with Fall 2010 group
Pick Jacob up from school

Take Jacob to school
Pump for Jessica
Pick Jacob up from school
Moms' Night Out

DFW Walk for LUNGevity
Pump for Jessica
Try to nap
Parents' Night Out - Rocky Horror at midnight

Pump for Jessica