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Monday, February 28, 2011

DFW Family Expo

On Saturday, we checked out the DFW Family Expo. It was so cool! They had a ton of fun stuff for the kids to do that was included in the admission and so many freebies were given away! Tamara and I stopped by the ERGObaby Carrier booth sporting our ERGOs (Tamara has the Performance) and they gave each of us a free front pouch! Lansinoh was giving away a ton of free samples and they teamed up with mOmma to give out free sippy cups and travel spoons! I got to try out the Piggyback Rider and found that I was too short and Jacob was too tall and heavy for it to work for me carrying him (Chad could have probably managed it), but Tamara tried it and had her 4 year old on her back with her 5 month old in the Ergo on her front and her almost 2 year old in the stroller. Overall, it was an awesome event!

Sunday morning, I woke up to go to work in the church nursery and discovered that my neck was strained. I think it might have something to do with the tremendous effort I had to exert to stand up while Jacob was in the Piggyback Rider. It is still bothering me today, though not as severely as yesterday.

Note to everyone out there - if you are short (5'3") and your child weighs over 50 lbs and is over 3'8", this might not be a good product for you. I think Tamara is 5'8", maybe 5'10", and she LOVED it. I think it would be awesome for use with Joshua when he gets to be old enough to use it, so I might have to remember it when that time comes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patience = Virtue

I'm supposed to receive my Valentine's Day gift today - it's an ASUS T101MT so I can be on the internet while he's doing homework and I can also have easier access to Meetup during events. It was originally set to arrive tomorrow, but UPS changed it to today *YAY* Now I'm jumping up every time I hear a big truck in hopes that my gift has arrived! I love getting packages!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 31: I'm So Proud of You!

BabyStep 31

I can't believe it has been a whole month! I'm slowly conquering Mt. Washmore, stuff is getting done around the house, and I'm working on keeping a positive attitude. Thanks so much for toughing this out with me. My updates from now on should be a bit more interesting :P

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 30: Check Your Calendar for Next Month's Events

BabyStep 30

Lots of fun stuff coming up next month, including my Dad's birthday and a trip to my sister's annual St. Patrick's Day Party in Colorado. I'm so excited!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 29: Set Time to Enjoy the Weekly Pamper Mission

BabyStep 29

I'm not much of a "pamper" type person, but this sounds fun! Let's see...accessorize. I don't have very many accessories to utilize, but I'll see what I can do. I can wear my Posh Dangling Donut Mommy Necklace that Tamara gave me and my purple Miracle Comb that Tanya got me with my lavender tank top from Old Navy and the light purple sweater from Malissa. Super cute!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Museum day!

So I took the boys to the Crow Collection's Family Day and the Dallas Museum of Art's Family Celebration. We had a great time and got to fdo some fun crafts! Joshua rode on my back in the Ergo for the first time because the Crow wasn't allowing strollers into the museum (in their defense, there were a TON of people there). We had a great time at both events!

Day 28: Eat Good Food, Drink Your Water, and Get Your Rest

BabyStep 28

Ok, ok, I'll admit that it has been pretty hard to take care of myself with a newborn. I really need to keep on myself to drink my water and eat healthier. I really don't think I can do anything to get more rest, though. Joshua is pretty much the dictator of my sleep right now, but it seems that he has finished his 4 month old sleep regression, because he did pretty well last night. Here's to more restful nights!

PSA - Respect Others' Ears

I HATE BASS! Not the fish and not the instrument, but the annoying THUD THUD of the neighbor's car speakers that penetrates the walls like they aren't even there. I can't even drown it out by turning up the volume on my TV. It's shaking my whole house! Don't be a jerk...keep the bass levels in your car turned down, PLEASE!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 27: What's for Dinner?

BabyStep 27

I'm thinking a salad to start then the main course is beef spaghetti with a side of corn and some garlic bread.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 26: Look at the Bottom of Any FlyLady Email

BabyStep 26

On the bottom of every email, FlyLady gives a reminder to "jump in where you are". This message really helped me get back into the swing of things after my week away from home. So I was gone a week, so what? I can get right back into my routines and continue trekking, one baby step at a time.

P.S. DH doesn't think "trekking" is a word, so those of you who know him, be sure to use it in a sentence when you talk to him so he doesn't think I'm making it up :P

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 25: Learn How the Routines Developed

BabyStep 25

Wow! It's hard to believe that FlyLady was once at a point of such CHAOS! It is very inspiring to know that she was able to come so far. I know I can do it, too!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 24: Swish and Swipe

BabyStep 24

I can't tell you how excited I am to have a bathroom sink again! DH even made a comment when he got home - "Holy cow, it's WHITE!!!" This is an awesome thing to add to my routines :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 23: Set Your Afternoon Routine

BabyStep 23

How funny...I just did this yesterday! Easy day for me, then. I got caught up on the dishes DH used while I was gone so I'm totally back on track. I <3 my routines!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 22: Where is Your Control Journal

BabyStep 22

What a fitting day to jump back in! My Control Journal sits on my kitchen table, but I think I'm going to move it to the table by my bedroom door so it's not in the way when we eat. I also need to separate out my morning and afternoon routines. The morning routine is a pretty big list right now and it's kind of overwhelming. I'll work on this today.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

8 days

That's how long it had been since I went to my parents house the night before my flight until I made it home. 8 crazy days! Joshua did an awesome job on all flights, and only ever had issues when we were waiting to get off the planes. It was so wonderful to see my dad's side of the family again, even if it wasn't the happiest of circumstances. Dummy that I am, I forgot my camera. D'OH!

It was so strange to leave 40 degree Seattle on Tuesday and arrive to -14 degree Colorado and then make it home to 10 degree DFW covered in ice! We went to my parents' house after the flight and Chad had a spa day planned for me. It was an adventure, let me tell you! It was a nice relaxing end to the crazy weekend I had just gone through, or so I thought. We wound up staying at my parents' house and last night was the first time I had been home since I left last Friday. Let me tell you, it's good to be home! Here are some pictures since my last post:

We hadn't seen the sun since arriving in Seattle, but it came out on the day we left: